Mastering Meditation: Five Essentials of Effective Meditation

3 minute read

Posted on March 27, 2024 By ProHealthy Heart LLC

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As growing followers of Christ, we're told, "Spend quiet time with God" but what does that mean? And how does it work practically when we have 10 million other things demanding our attention everyday? Teens have school, friends, family, and extracurriculars. Adults are stretched in the same way with work, family, and other obligations. Yet our biggest priority, the one on the top, should be God. Spending time with God shouldn’t be the last thing we remember to do. But sometimes it happens. 

Here's five essentials of effective meditation:

1. A Season of Spiritual Growth: Nurturing Your Connection with God

To truly emulate God's character, we must invest time in His presence. Our thoughts shape us profoundly and as the Bible illustrates, Jesus sought solitude in prayer, ascending mountains to commune with our Heavenly Father.

In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to prioritize schedules over spiritual nourishment. Yet, neglecting time with the Lord robs us of joy, wisdom, and true prosperity He offers. Rushing through spiritual growth yields little, instead we must prioritize moments of undivided presence with Him. 

Consider David, who amidst life's trial, sat before the Lord. He learned the power of quiet reflection, relying on God's wisdom and guidance. Unlike us, he lacked the abundance of written scriptures, yet his faith remained steadfast.

Recognize that spiritual growth requires time. Schedule moments of meditation and communion with God, guarding against the distractions that threaten to steal our focus. It's not about finding time but making time, prioritizing our relationship with God above all else.

2. Stillness

In Psalm 46, we are reminded to "be still and know that I am God." Stillness is not merely the absence of activity but a deliberate pause, a quieting of the mind to sense God's presence. It's a focused state where distractions fade, allowing us to center our thoughts on Him.

Yet, achieving true stillness can be challenging. Often, we resist it because it brings to the surface issues we'd rather avoid. By staying busy, we avoid confronting these uncomfortable truths. However, when we embrace stillness, God uses it to address these deeper matters, fostering growth and healing within us. 

Moreover, in moments of stillness, we experience God's abundant goodness, love, grace, and mercy. He reminds us of His faithfulness and the work He has done in our lives. While God can speak to us amidst our daily activities, it's in the quiet moments that we are most receptive to His voice. Let us therefore, cultivate a spirit of stillness, making space to listen and be transformed by His presence.

3. Seclusion

In the practice of meditation and sitting before the Lord, seclusion holds profound significance. Despite any discomfort in solitude, it remains essential. God calls us to moments of seclusion, where we can listen to His voice undisturbed. In this solitary communion, we find a peace unmatched by any worldly experience. It is a serene tranquility that surpasses all else. Trust in the sacredness of solitary moments with the Divine, for therein lies a profound source of inner peace and spiritual fulfillment.

4. Self-Control

Self-control is imperative for God to refine our hearts. It's a disciplined practice, distinct from a desire to control our fate. Instead, it empowers us to surrender to God's transformative work within us. Through self-control, we create space for His guidance and influence, allowing His divine purpose to unfold in our lives.

5. Submissive Spirit 

To truly invite God's presence into your life, it's essential to embrace a spirit of submission. This communicates your sincere desire for His guidance and intervention. It signals your openness to letting go of anything that doesn’t align with His will and welcoming whatever He wishes to bring into your life. Material possessions, wealth, and status hold no sway with God; what truly matters to Him is the condition of your heart and fostering a loving relationship with Him.


Deepening your relationship with God is akin to deepening a friendship. It requires investing time together--engaging in conversation, listening attentively to His voice, and integrating Him into your daily routine. Just as it's challenging to love someone you barely know or rarely spend time with, nurturing love for God necessitates regular interaction. By consistently engaging in one-on-one conversations through prayer, delving into His teachings through reading the Bible and attentively listening for His guidance through the Holy Spirit, you create the opportunity to strengthen your faith and maintain a conscious closeness to God.